Thursday, December 13, 2012

Meaning of "public static void main(String args[]) in JAVA

In Java, the execution starts from main() method.  But for compilation, main() is not required.

public static void main(String args[])
Every word in the above statement has got a meaning to the JVM. 

1. public: It is a keyword and denotes that any other class (JVM) can call the main() method without any restrictions.
2. static: It is a keyword and denotes that any other class (JVM) can call the main() method without the help of an object
3. void: It is a keyword and denotes that the main() method does not return a value.
4. main(): It is the name of the method.
5. String args[]: The parameter is a String array by name args. The string array is used to access command-line arguments.
JVM is in another context area. To call the main(), the JVM requires an object. When the JVM has not entered into the program, how it can create an object or get an object. To overcome this, allow the JVM to access the main() without object just by declaring static. Once the JVM enters, it can create hundreds of objects.
Whether you pass right now command-line arguments or not, you must have the string array as parameter as it is the part of syntax.

Any word is missed in the above statement, the program compiles, but does not execute.


class First
//  A java program will start from here.

        public static void main(String args[])
              System.out.println("  Welcome to Javamadelife...!!! ");


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Best Top Java IDEs for Developers

               An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.
              An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.
              IDEs are designed to maximize programmer productivity by providing tight-knit components with similar user interfaces.
              One aim of the IDE is to reduce the configuration necessary to piece together multiple development utilities, instead providing the same set of capabilities as a cohesive unit

Table describes the TOOLS:

Ease of Use(30%)
Java Feature(30%)
Plug ins(25%)
7.9  Good
JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3
8.5 Very Good
8.0  Very Good
Oracle JDeveloper Studio 11g (
7.4 Good

Eclipse 3.6

Eclipse is the dominant Java IDE by all measures, especially in terms of adoption and the size of its plug-in ecosystem. 

It reached this prominence due to the decision of its original parent, IBM, to spin it off to a separate foundation, where Big Blue could fund its continued development and Eclipse could also draw the support of other vendors who might otherwise balk at contributing to a vendor-owned product. 

This strategy has worked well, in part because it was well funded and because of the choice of management personnel, who have done an excellent job of reaching out to contributors, building a community, managing the progress of subprojects, and avoiding controversy.

Oracle JDeveloper Studio 11g (

Oracle's JDeveloper Studio is uniquely different from the other products examined here. It walks its own path and reflects the agenda of Oracle, rather than concerning itself with needs outside of Oracle's interests.

 Rather than viewing it as a free product that's closed source, it's more accurate to view JDeveloper as Oracle's internal development tool that it offers at no charge to anyone who might find it useful.

NetBeans 6.9

NetBeans has made large strides in market share (measured by rate of adoption) during the last five years. 

According to an annual survey of Java IDEs published by New York-based BZ Research, NetBeans was in use at 17.9 percent of respondents' sites in 2005. 

As of this year, that number had doubled to 35.7 percent. This is by far the largest increase in adoption of any Java IDE during this period.

 In terms of popularity, NetBeans is now safely ensconced in the No. 2 spot behind Eclipse.

JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3

JetBrains' IntelliJ comes in two basic flavors:

  1.    a paid version, which is the one I reviewed here, and 
  2.    a free open source Community Edition that provides basic Java editing features   .Because the paid version of IntelliJ competes with multiple free products, it has to prove its stripes all the time. It does so by innovating faster than the other IDEs.